Principal News

January News from Oakland High School

Oakland High School rang in the new years and is off to a  great start.  The Boosters Club Holiday basketball tournament saw all four Oaker teams in the championship games.  Boys Varsity and Girls JV came out winners of the tournament.  Wrestling has been going well, with numerous individual winners from each meet.  We are excited to have two home duals this year,  the first will be January 19th. Oakland FFA provided a movie night on January 5th, and saw a large turnout of students watching Disney, playing games, and celebrating the new year.

 Leadership has brought back the Oaker Cafe, and has treated OES staff before Winter Break, and then offered drinks to LMS Staff after Winter Break.  They are also working on a Spirit week to “brighten spirits” before Finals and are preparing activities for during finals.
Seniors are busy working on their Senior Projects. This is designed to be a community service project or a future career exploration project.  We will be implementing presentations this year as an additional expectation of the project. 

 Advisory is in full swing.  Advisory classes meet every 3-4 weeks, and have focused so far on career and interest profiles through CIS.  For the next few sessions we will be working through our SEL curriculum BASE, in the areas of stress management and self-esteem.  Later in the spring we will move into lessons on financial literacy. 

Counseling Report

We have hired a Counseling Assistant, Georgina Kennedy, and are in the process of training her to take on a larger role with our Seniors, particularly with scholarship applications.  In addition, she will be working to create a career/job fair for our students this spring.  Stay tuned for more information on that.   FAFSA has opened and we are working with students and families to get this submitted and working on updating CIS to create an easy place for tracking students PEP.