The second program has to do with Oakland’s school lunch program. With current changes to legislation regarding how poverty levels are computed in schools, Oakland now qualifies for the National CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) which is a program that provides free school breakfast and lunch for all students who choose to get it. There is no charge to any student who would like to eat a school breakfast (which is already being provided free of charge) or lunch. This will start the day students return from winter break and go for the rest of the school year. It is a 4 year program, so it will also continue for the following three school years. If you have a credit in your student’s lunch money account, that money will be sent back to you in January. This program does not pay off current charges owed for lunches, so if you do owe money for past lunches consumed, we would appreciate you getting those paid up as soon as possible. Beginning on January 2nd, all students K – 12 will be eligible to eat school lunch for free, and breakfast will be continued to be provided for all students who choose to get it, also free of charge.

Community Eligibility Provision
January 2, 2024